TWIXT looks weird and has some potential!

There’s a 4-minute long festival trailer out for Francis Ford Coppola’s Twixt. The movie’s plot honestly sounds like one of Stephen King’s novels, where an author goes to a small town and discovers some paranormal happenings similar to his own stories, or he starts to write what he sees and gets caught up in the middle of it.

Sound familiar at all? Well that’s the plot of TWIXT. In the story, Val Kilmer is a crappy book writer who is on a book tour to all of the tiniest towns in America. Whilst in one of the tiniest, he meets a sheriff who lets him help investigate some awful murders. And of course Val Kilmer gets into the thick of it. He also talks to a ghost of some girl. There might be vampires in it too, who knows.

Even though the plot may seem like something I’ve seen before, it still looks intriguing and pretty messed up. And who doesn’t like a good ‘crazy small-town’ story? Here’s hoping that Coppola does a good job with this one, he did direct Jack after all.

Check out the trailer below and decide for yourself:

About Jon Q Public

Jon Q Public can blend into any crowd. He is tallish but not too tall, he probably has a light beard or a 5 O'Clock shadow. He wears nice slacks with a fancy jacket. He's your average American Taxpayer: Mr. Jon Q Public.