Soderbergh’s Contagion looks like Outbreak but with birds not monkeys

Contagion Poster JonQPublic

It looks like Bird Flu is making a comeback, at least on film.

The trailer for Contagion has just come out and it looks like it could be a good one! The film follows various people involved in discovering then attempting to contain a massive outbreak of some sort of bird-flu-style virus. From the trailer it looks like they end up doing a poor job at containing it, which could make for some cool vastly empty cityscapes, who knows!

It seems like this movie is taking a lot of cues from the real-life Swine Flu breakout of 2009, where people in multiple countries started getting sick and dying. Luckily the real life version of this movie was contained, which makes me wonder how we wouldn’t be able to contain a virus if we knew only 32 people so far had it…

This is when we have to just smile and accept that a movie is not fact, it is just here for our entertainment, so don’t start freaking out thinking this could happen any second in real-life. As far as I know, birds don’t have a conscious vendetta against humans, so they probably wont be changing the flu around really quickly to make us all sick.

But regardless of complaints, this trailer actually looks like it could be a pretty fresh take on the genre of outbreak movies that died 15 years ago.

The movie has a pretty outstanding cast with the likes of Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Marion Cotillard, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Kate Winslet and Bryan Cranston. I can’t wait to see what all these fine actors bring to this movie!

What do you think? Check the trailer out for yourself:

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About Jon Q Public

Jon Q Public can blend into any crowd. He is tallish but not too tall, he probably has a light beard or a 5 O'Clock shadow. He wears nice slacks with a fancy jacket. He's your average American Taxpayer: Mr. Jon Q Public.