Judge Dredd looks pissed off.

FirstShowing.net has a few pages from the upcoming issue of Empire Magazine.

Check one of them out below:

(Click the image for more pictures)

If you’re wondering who that angry fellow is, it’s Star Trek’s Karl Urban. I can’t wait to see how he plays the character. With any luck we will never have to hear the phrase “I AM THE LAW” in this new Dredd film.

Now personally, I’m a bit disappointed that they decided to ax the golden eagle shoulder pad… or maybe I’m a bit relieved. It didn’t really work in the Stallone movie, and it seemed like they knew it (he wore the things for like 5 minutes out of the whole movie).

If some of you don’t know what I’m referring to, here’s what the comic version of Dredd looked like…

Pretty nifty huh? By comparison, Karl Urban looks pretty calm and relaxed compared to the murder-scream that comic-Dredd is sporting.

Source: (FirstShowing.net)

About Jon Q Public

Jon Q Public can blend into any crowd. He is tallish but not too tall, he probably has a light beard or a 5 O'Clock shadow. He wears nice slacks with a fancy jacket. He's your average American Taxpayer: Mr. Jon Q Public.