Frank Darabont’s cure for the zombie outbreak is to just leave

It’s starting to look like The Green Mile Director, Frank Darabont will be looking to leave AMC’s The Walking Dead. It’s not clear if he will be leaving the project all together, but is reporting that that is a good possibility.

Darabont wrote and directed the show’s pilot, and spent at least five years trying to get the show off the ground. It would be sad to see him just up and leave after dedicating so much time to such a project. It’s like giving your five-year-old child up for adoption. Don’t you want to see how your child does in their second season?

There is rumored to have been a bit of drama behind the scenes on the show. Darabont has apparently been having a very hard time dealing with the 24/7 schedule that comes with working on a television series. After season 1’s finale he even considered firing his entire writing staff and hiring freelancers to write each season 2 episode.

It could either be the fact that television requires long hours, or Darabont is just having a hard time sharing the spotlight with a room full of writers, producers and directors. Television shows are definitely a much more collaborative effort than most movies. Let’s hope Darabont stays on in some fashion. And if he doesn’t, let’s hope the show doesn’t fall into the crapper.

About Jon Q Public

Jon Q Public can blend into any crowd. He is tallish but not too tall, he probably has a light beard or a 5 O'Clock shadow. He wears nice slacks with a fancy jacket. He's your average American Taxpayer: Mr. Jon Q Public.