Twist: Ridley Scott is remaking his own movie, Blade Runner

First of all, I think it’s lame to re-do Blade Runner at all. The movie was classic science fiction noir! Sure, they changed a lot from the original novel by Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, but it was still solid noir, and solid science fiction.

The second off point is that the original Blade Runner director, Ridley Scott, will actually be back to direct the new version of the film.

A little bit confused? So was I. I’m sure you’re wondering how this all came to be, and if it’s going to be a good thing…

Andrew Kosove is the man behind getting a new Blade Runner made. He sat down with Ridley Scott to simply talk about what could be done with a new movie or franchise since he now owned the rights. Here’s what happened:

Over the course of one meeting, they hashed out how a new film would look, how it could avoid seeming too similar to the many movies that have since paid homage to the original, and how different the new film should be from the original itself. They eventually decided it should stand as separately as possible.
“Everything Ridley does as a filmmaker is fresh,” Kosove said. “I believe he sees an opportunity to create something that’s wholly original from the first ‘Blade Runner.’ ”
Scott, Kosove and Johnson left that meeting with a handshake deal, and then the lawyers and agents jumped in to work out the details.

So it looks like maybe this wont end nearly as badly as it first sounded. Instead of just remaking his own movie, Ridley Scott seems to have some new fresh ideas for the story. I hope the new ideas aren’t just visual changes! Everyones vision of the future changes with each new decade anyways.

In the 60’s, the future was stark white, big and bulky. In the 70’s everyone was wearing shiny silver costumes. In the 80’s everything was extremely blocky, dark and ugly. In the 90’s everything was exposed wires, blocky cars and everything flying. And now everything seems to be thin pieces of glass and super sleek tiny cars.

Who knows, maybe Ridley Scott has a new vision of the noir future where robots are made of sleek glass and magic, and umbrellas glow all over and not just on the poles.

About Jon Q Public

Jon Q Public can blend into any crowd. He is tallish but not too tall, he probably has a light beard or a 5 O'Clock shadow. He wears nice slacks with a fancy jacket. He's your average American Taxpayer: Mr. Jon Q Public.