Bane is no luchadore!

So many of you may have heard that Shinzon from Star Trek is playing Bane in the upcoming movie “The Dark Knight Rises”. Well the rumors are indeed true.

Most people probably hadn’t heard of Bane until they announced that Tom Hardy was playing him, but I’m sure by now everyone has seen a picture or two of the guy breaking Batman’s back, yes? He seemed to look like some sort of luchadore or something with his crazy mask.

Well it looks like Christopher Nolan is going with a more realistic approach to the character, not surprisingly. So here’s the picture…

Looks pretty cool right? Though I’m not sure what his District 9-style Prawn face thing is in the front. Maybe that gives him super powers or I dont know, helps him breathe?

What do you think?


Side note: Some people may remember a luchadore from Batman and Robin. This was indeed Bane, unfortunately they decided to make him a really stupid character who doesn’t talk ever at all, and only grunts and gets tubes yanked out of his neck.

So suffice it to say I’m just glad that Tom Hardy doesn’t look like either of these two:


About Jon Q Public

Jon Q Public can blend into any crowd. He is tallish but not too tall, he probably has a light beard or a 5 O'Clock shadow. He wears nice slacks with a fancy jacket. He's your average American Taxpayer: Mr. Jon Q Public.