Dan Brown’s Third in trilogy might actually be decent

The Lost Symbol

Now not to rag on Ron Howard, but I felt like there was something amiss with both Dan Brown-based movies, Angels and Demons and The Davinci Code. They both changed a few major points from the books and toned down some of the less-than-Catholic ideas. But other than that it just felt like Tom Hanks was just running through the chapters without really stopping to become likable.

I think both movies needed to be about 20 minutes longer to actually let the viewer into the plot a bit more.

But that’s the past. The future is a Dan Brown world without Ron Howard. As director.

He still plans on producing the third Dan Brown story The Lost Symbol, but Deadline.com reports that “He just didn’t want to do that thing over and over, the same character and the same stories.”

Personally I think it’s a little lame that he doesn’t want to wrap up the trilogy seeing as Dan Brown himself said it is indeed the LAST story that follows Robert Langdon. Did anybody call Spielberg a one-trick pony after he directed FOUR Indiana Jones movies? Nope. Because, like Ron Howard, he has many other successful films under his belt.

But complaining aside, I’m hoping that Sony will find a director who brings less action and more story to Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol.

The Lost Symbol is about Robert Langdon romping about Washington D.C. on a non-Catholic mission for once. This time around he’s trying to unlock some of the biggest secrets involving the secretive society of The Stonecutters.

Wait, thats not right. I meant The Freemasons. Robert Langdon runs around town with another random woman trying to figure out how he can save his best friend before he gets killed. Action ensues, heated discussions on philosophy erupt, and a giant guy covered in tattoos stalks around every corner.

I cant wait to see what the new director does with it!

I just hope you all aren’t as disappointed with the ending as I was. It always comes full circle.

Source: (Deadline.com)

About Jon Q Public

Jon Q Public can blend into any crowd. He is tallish but not too tall, he probably has a light beard or a 5 O'Clock shadow. He wears nice slacks with a fancy jacket. He's your average American Taxpayer: Mr. Jon Q Public.